Resources » Student Resources

Student Resources

Click one of the animals to read on amplify! 
Parents, "Amplify Reading is a supplemental reading curriculum designed to support a student's development in key early literacy skills through play. The games in Amplify Reading are meant to engage students individually on their own unique path."
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Click the star to learn with Starfall!
Parents, "Starfall is a children's website that teaches basic English reading and writing skills. The main demographic is preschoolers and kindergarteners. It teaches children how to read by using games and phonics."
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Click on one of the letters to play and learn with ABCya!
Parents, "ABCya! is a website that provides educational games and activities for school-aged children. The games on the website are organized into grade levels from pre-kindergarten to Sixth grade, as well as into subject categories such as letters, numbers, and holidays."
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Explore this with your parents! Click on the student success card to access a LAPL (kids path) digitally!
Parents, the following site provides unlimited access to comics, graphic novels, and manga, Little Pim Language Learning Program (Live on Mango), the ability to explore Los Angeles (you can attend attractions and museums for free using your library card), & more!
Click on these green kids to play some PBS Kids games!
Students, play games based on some of your favorite PBS characters!
Click on the happy worm to watch some fun learning videos on Crash Course Kids!
"Welcome to Crash Course Kids! This bi-weekly show from the producers of Crash Course is all about gradeschool science. We'll look at Earth, Habitats, Space, Chemical Reactions, Engineering, and much much more with host Sabrina Cruz."
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